Parallel Sessions


Poster Session

Students are invited to participate with a poster presentation, describing the results attained in projects pertaining to all aspects of design, testing, verification and EDA tools. Recent presentations made during international conferences are welcome.
Participants should submit abstracts in English, the maximum length is 300 words. Please submit your abstract by email:, until June 15th, 2017 at 11:59PM

Business Start-Up Session

Prospective business operators will be encouraged to properly research their idea and to prepare thoroughly before they take the plunge. They will find out about businesses that have performed well and why. They will also learn about the benefits of networking and the importance of taking a close look at their own aspirations and skills.

Best Student Thesis Contest

A student contest session on the best thesis from Greek Universities and Technical Institutes in the aforementioned research topics will be offered. The award will be a one year free IEEE student membership /CAS society and one honorary plaque award.
Please submit your thesis by email:, until June 24th, 2017 at 11:59PM